Crossing, a devised production under the guidance of Elizabeth de Rosa, at Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, September 2024. Section on postpartum depression written, choreographed and performed by me in collaboration with the devising cohort.
Crossing, a devised production under the guidance of Elizabeth de Rosa, at Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. Section on postpartum depression written, choreographed and performed by me in collaboration with the devising cohort.
“Women used to die in childbirth all the time
Now women choose to
Leading cause of maternal deaths is suicide.
But tough shit
They only gave my husband a two day paternity leave
Can’t lose his job
A baby’s too expensive
It’s already cost me my job
An infant myself needing care
Not a woman
Not a dependable partner
Not a real mother
“There was one moment, recently
When a stranger caught me
Looking at his gorgeous arms on the train
So he started to tell me about his watch.
And I didn’t know what to do
My brain was too foggy
I should’ve told him about my
But I just told him about my bracelet.
And so he touched my arm—
Checking my reaction
Whether it was OK
Whether I liked it…”
The Selkie and Her Daughter On Land in 2024. An experimental theatre performance inspired by the folklore of the Selkie, co-created with Anna Kopacek.
“SELKIE [Seeing the fisherman]
He’s trembling… not from the cold, but because of me.
6’3”, big man, blushing and shaking from wanting to be close to me.
It makes me feel like I have power over him.
And he’s funny. Stupid fun when I so need a laugh.
Him showing up at the exact moment I need help feels like fate.
Right when I don’t know what to do… he seems to have all the answers.
At least for now, she thought, his home would be the safest option.”
People and Plants. Stories of people I've loved, told through plants. Written, animated and performed by me in spring 2024 at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London.
“Endless arctic summer days
With someone who was my whole world
Picking forget-me-nots
And patting them on each other’s chests to make them stick:
Only to spend years trying to forget each other.”
Carroll: Berserkur. An immersive devised production with Spindrift Theatre in Tjarnarbíó, Reykjavík.